December 23, 2022
Turning the embers into a bonfire
Upcoming Activist Events: Dec. 24, 2022 - Jan. 5, 2023
Dec 27 - 7 pm, Citizens Climate Lobby Conference Dec 28 - 6 pm Harrisonburg/Rockingham County Chapter Meeting, Virginia Organizing Jan 2 - Staunton Organizing meeting
For complete descriptions of these events, visit
What happened?
December 29. On this day in 1890 in the Wounded Knee Massacre, the U.S. military killed 130 - 250 Sioux men, women, and children.
"We Stand Together" the newest iteration of Activists' Guide's "Cville Stands Together" provides daily posts from legitimate media reports. The posts depict the growing institutionalization of fascism in the US, a major symptom of which is white supremacy, and mass actions of resistance. is presented in blog format.
Republican book banning attempt defeated after community stands up for LGBTQ people.
After a heated public debate, the Greenville County Council in South Carolina voted to keep LGBTQ books accessible to children at the public library.
A resolution from city Councilor Joe Dill – who recently lost the Republican primary and will not be maintaining his seat – proposed requiring the 12-location library system in the area to remove books “promoting sexuality” from all children’s sections.
The resolution claimed it was seeking to “protect the innocence of children” and also would have required libraries to submit a report to the County Council detailing “how such books ever found their way into the Children’s Sections…and what measures have been put into place to ensure such oversights do not occur in the future.”
The Activists' Guide is a website designed to facilitate communication between activist organizations and individuals. Its readership is worldwide. Subscriptions are available at no charge via Activists' Guide (www.activistsguide.org).
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