July 12, 2024
Turning the embers into a bonfire
Upcoming Activist Events: July 12 - 26, 2024
July 14 -12 noon, Virginia NOW annual conference, NOW, Water Street Center, 407 E. Water St. energizing conference and officer election, RSVP for more information: [email protected]
July 16 – 6:30 pm, Meeting, Cville100 Climate Alliance, zoom, contact Tom Olivier ([email protected])
July 18 – 7:00 pm, Charlottesville 350 meeting, To get details, send an email to [email protected]
July 26 – 5:30 pm, Harrisonburg/ Rockingham County Chapter Meeting, Virginia Organizing, [email protected]
DISCLAIMER: The absence of events from a particular faction does not indicate that a slanted perspective exists in Activists Guide. It means that we are not notified of the event. There is no selection of events. If we were notified of an event by an organization that appears in Activists’ Guide Directory of Organizations the entry will appear in the AG Calendar.
Activists’ Guide Directory of Organizations is reviewed at six-month intervals to ensure its accuracy.
Don’t let them walk alone join the Active Activists
Activists rally in D.C. on 2nd anniversary of high court’s abortion ruling
What Happened?
On July 12 in 1898, John Henry James was lynched in Charlottesville
“...people should have the right to be who they are and not what others tell them to be. All peoples should have a right to dignity and identity is an important part of this ideal.”
Activists’ Guide is a community bulletin board which publicizes events sponsored by “boots on the ground” organizations.
Entries may be made to the AG’s calendar by any organization whose actions attempt to create a more just, equitable, non-violent world.
The stance taken by a particular organization/government is not considered. We are not a megaphone for one side or the other.
All folk are encouraged to support non-profit organizations with financial gifts. It is an opportunity to support vital facets of a caring society. Remember us, Please forward your donation to:
The Activists' Guide is a website designed to facilitate communication between activist organizations and individuals. Its readership is worldwide. Subscriptions are available at no charge via Activists' Guide (www.activistsguide.org).
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