
The Activists' Watch

May 26, 2023

Turning the embers into a bonfire
Calendar section

Upcoming Activist Events:
May 26 - June 8, 2023

For complete descriptions of these events, visit
The Activists' Guide Calendar.

What happened?

June 2. On this day in 1939 a German ship full of desperate Jewish refugees sailed close enough to see the lights of Miami, Florida, but was turned away, as President Franklin Roosevelt had blocked all efforts in Congress to admit Jewish refugees.

Today's Quote

"Somewhere I read that the greatness of America was the Right to protest for rights"

Martin Luther King, Jr.

New Book

Standing Up To Hate
Members of the Charlottesville Clergy Collective recount their experience and recall the lessons learned from resisting the white supremacist rallies in Charlottesville during the summer of 2017. Contact, Michael Cheuk (CvilleClergyCollective) [email protected]


Virginia Organizing is looking to hire new organizers all around Virginia. There are three specific areas where we're hiring, New River Valley, Southside, and Waynesboro. We also want to expand to new parts of Virginia. So if this job sounds like it has your name on it, please apply.

As a community organizer, you will build power for long-term change. Day to day, you will recruit new members into the organization, develop members into leaders by sharing new skills, strategize and build local campaigns on issues of local concern, and move people to action on Virginia Organizing’s statewide priorities. As part of a diverse, hard-working, and values-driven staff, you will help real people make real change at the local, state, and national levels.

Specifically, your work will include:
  • Conducting face-to-face meetings with community residents;
  • Maintaining relationships with new contacts, members, and leaders through phone calls and in-person visits;
  • Facilitating local campaign strategy discussions among chapter leaders;
  • Securing organizational endorsements, local government resolutions, letters to the editor, and media coverage for statewide campaigns;
  • Preparing leaders for meetings, public speaking, and media interviews;
  • Soliciting donations from individuals and hold other grassroots fundraisers; and,
  • Completing administrative tasks—including monthly workplans and weekly activity reports—thoroughly and promptly.
  • Driven by a commitment to Virginia Organizing’s vision for a more just Virginia, you believe that people who are most directly affected by public issues should have a seat at the table. You are passionate about developing leaders who speak for the organization and make decisions about local campaigns. You want to use your critical thinking and interpersonal skills to build a powerful statewide organization.
  • Successful applicants will also have:
  • Experience in community organizing, either as a staff member or volunteer leader;
  • Experience working in low-income communities and communities of color across racial and cultural lines;
  • Ability to work independently, which includes managing your own work schedule, setting priorities, and accomplishing long-term goals;
  • Willingness to participate in regular evening and weekend activities;
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills;
  • Strong personal organizational skills; and,
  • Basic computer skills (Google Suite, Microsoft Office).
Virginia Organizing’s starting salary is $42,000 and increases with experience. Full-time employees receive generous benefits, including full health, dental, vision, and childcare benefits, in addition to paid vacation, sick, parental, and family leave.

We strongly encourage women, people of color, people with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ community to apply.

To apply, please send a letter of interest, a copy of your resume, and three references to Brian Johns, Executive Director, at [email protected].

C3 is looking to hire a Climate Justice Fellow to conduct research with us this Summer.


All folk are encouraged to support non-profit organizations with financial gifts. It is an opportunity to support vital facets of a caring society. Remember us,
Please forward your donation to:
Activists' Guide
PO Box 173
Ivy, Va

or send via Venmo or Zelle
The Activists' Guide is a website designed to facilitate communication between activist organizations and individuals. Its readership is worldwide. Subscriptions are available at no charge via Activists' Guide (

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