
The Activists' Watch

April 5, 2024

Turning the embers into a bonfire
Calendar section

Upcoming Activist Events:
April 5 - 18, 2024

April 6, 8:00 am. MEDIC first aid training, Ivy Creek Fdn, 1780 Earlysville Rd., Hands-on learn disaster & wilderness first aid skills during this 20-hour course. Then all you'll need is a shorter "street medic bridge course" to become a street medic. Info & registration:

April 7, 8:00 am, MEDIC first aid training, Ivy Creek Fdn, 1780 Earlysville Rd., Hands-on learn disaster & wilderness first aid skills during this 20-hour course. Then all you'll need is a shorter "street medic bridge course" to become a street medic. Info & registration:

April 7, 4:00 pm, Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice, meeting, Friends Meeting House, Forest Ave.,

April 8, 7:00 pm, NAACP meeting, contact Lynn Boyd at lboyd3@hotmail to join NAACP and get location

April 8, 7:00 pm, Staunton Organizing meeting, contact [email protected]

April 11, 2:00 pm, Rivanna River Resilience Project, Interested? Fill out this form: Training session required. Must participate in field assessment sessions.

April 11, 5:30 pm, Waynesboro Chapter Meeting,Virginia Organizing, Grace Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, 500 South Wayne Avenue Waynesboro, Organizer Nora Scott, Phone 4342260426 Email [email protected]

April 11, 6:30 pm, Charlottesville Police Civilian Oversight Boa Board. livestreamed via Boxcast at this URL:

April 12, 4:00 pm, Democracy Friday demonstration, Virginians for Democracy, Federal Courthouse, info from [email protected]

April 13, 10:00 am, Scottsdale Elementary School Join RCA in planting over an acre of native hardwood trees and shrubs along Miller Creek at Scottsville Elementary.

April 14, 12:30 pm, Rivanna River Resilience Project, Interested? Fill out this form: Training session required. Must participate in field assessment sessions.

April 15, 7:00 pm, Staunton Organizing meeting, contact [email protected]

April 16, 1:00 pm, Charlottesville Area Justice Coalition meeting, zoom

April 17, 9:30 am, Responding to Harm: Reflective Jail Tour, Central Virginia Community, Equal Justice USA "SOLD OUT" - ALL SESSIONS ARE FULL. Tour, led by Col Martin Kumer, superintendent of Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail

April 18, 7:00 pm, Charlottesville 350 meeting, To get details, send an email to [email protected]

For complete descriptions of these events, visit The Activists' Guide

DISCLAIMER: The absence of events from a particular faction does not indicate that a slanted perspective exists in Activists Guide. It means that we are not notified of the event. There is no selection of events. If we were notified of an event by an organization that appears in Activists’ Guide Directory of Organizations the entry will appear in the AG Calendar.

Activists’ Guide Directory of Organizations is reviewed at six-month intervals to ensure its accuracy.

Don’t let them walk alone

join the Active Activists

The ceasefire pilgrimage was amazing and we are beyond grateful for everyone who came out!

Charlottesville City Council votes down resolution calling for cease-fire in Gaza
It quickly became apparent at Monday’s City Council meeting that the focus of the night would not be on tax hikes proposed in the Charlottesville budget.Instead, public comment was dominated by community members demanding a cease-fire in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Charlottesville councilors pass Israel-Hamas cease-fire resolution after reconsidering measure
The audience jeered and hissed at a rabbi urging Council to vote down the measure

From ANSWER Coalition:
Massive protests all over US on Palestinian Land Day: March 30
All across the country, mass marches took place last Saturday to mark Palestinian Land Day with struggle, demanding an end to the genocide in Gaza and Israeli colonization of Palestinian land! The movement to Shut It Down for Palestine continues in cities and towns nationwide as part of the global uprising against the Israeli war machine and its sponsor -- the U.S. government.

In Philadelphia, police carried out a mass arrest of nearly 70 protesters as they peacefully marched on the highway. Despite the police repression, the demonstration succeeded in disrupting Interstate 676 in the heart of the city as well as the Ben Franklin Bridge -- the main crossing between New Jersey and downtown Philadelphia. Organizers remained more determined than ever to build the movement until Palestine is free.

Mennonite Action

Today, Mennonites held a hymn sign outside the UN in Manhattan, calling for governments to send aid not bombs. #SendAidNotBombs #Mennonites4Ceasefire

A huge thank you to everyone who worked on the ceasefire resolution and everyone who showed up today and to the last city council as well as to everyone who spoke and who signed the petition. It is because of you all that tonight, Charlottesville city council voted yes on the ceasefire resolution! And thank you to @cvilleceasefire

As the US Congress approves another $3 billion in arms for Israeli genocide, Canada’s parliament–thanks to the New Democratic Party—votes to suspend weapons sales to Israel. Though Canada’s vote was non-binding, Canada’s foreign affairs minister says, “It is a real thing and the government will halt future arms shipments". How did peace activists in Canada organize to win?

Home Health Aides in NYC Go on Hunger Strike to Demand End to 24-Hour Workdays
In New York, home health aides are on a five-day hunger strike on March 22, calling on the city to pass the “No More 24 Act” to put an end to 24-hour workdays. The majority of home health workers are women of color and immigrant women. Guihua Song, from the Chinese Staff and Workers’ Association, said, “Working 24 hours a day for a long time, our bodies have been tortured, broken down, and full of aches and pains. We cannot care for our children and families. Many of our sisters’ health is destroyed, and they too have become patients.”

Gaza Solidarity Protests Fill Streets of Dublin, Santiago and Other Large Cities
Mar 25, 2024
Protests continued around the world this weekend. In Ireland, tens of thousands of people marched in Dublin to demand a ceasefire and freedom for Palestinians. In Chile, members of the Palestinian community, which is believed to be the largest Palestinian community outside of the Arab world, gathered with allies to call on President Gabriel Boric to break off all diplomatic relations with Israel.
Nicolas: “We stand with the oppressed and against the oppressors. We are here to say, 'No more crimes against humanity, so we protest. No more relations with the criminal state of Israel, which insults our nation.'”
from Democracy Now


Become a CODEPINK Congress liaison in your district to mobilize support for demilitarization and progressive foreign policy! Sign up here as a volunteer organizer. Rivanna River Resilience Project - April 11 & 14 April & May: Training Thur, 4/11 (evening) or Sun, 4/14 (afternoon)

Rivanna River Resilience Project | volunteers needed for field assessments to collect data on native tree canopy & invasive species | Pen Park, Darden Towe Park, Riverview Park | Interested? Fill out this form:
Training session required. Must participate in 2-3 field assessment sessions. Ability to work outdoors in variable weather, navigating steep terrain, overgrown areas, and other challenging conditions Volunteers will work in pairs: lead volunteer & a helper Lead volunteers: must already have some training on invasive plant identification and will need to pass a simple protocol & invasive plant ID quiz

What Happened?

ON THIS DAY: in 1935, some 175,000 college students across America engaged in classroom strikes and peaceful demonstrations in which they pledged never to participate in an armed conflict.

Today's Quote

"What IS war good for?

— Millions of us, led in chorus Edwin Starr


Activists’ Guide is a community bulletin board which publicizes events sponsored by “boots on the ground” organizations.

Entries may be made to the AG’s calendar by any organization whose actions attempt to create a more just, equitable, non-violent world.

The stance taken by a particular organization/government is not considered. We are not a megaphone for one side or the other.
All folk are encouraged to support non-profit organizations with financial gifts. It is an opportunity to support vital facets of a caring society. Remember us, Please forward your donation to:
Activists' Guide
PO Box 173
Ivy, Va
The Activists' Guide is a website designed to facilitate communication between activist organizations and individuals. Its readership is worldwide. Subscriptions are available at no charge via Activists' Guide (

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