
The Activists' Watch

February 9, 2024

Turning the embers into a bonfire
Calendar section

Upcoming Activist Events:
February 9 - 23, 2024

Feb. 9, 4:30 pm, Democracy Friday demonstration, Virginians for Democracy, Federal Courthouse, info from [email protected]

Feb. 12, 7:00 pm, NAACP meeting, contact Lynn Boyd at [email protected] to join NAACP and get location

Feb. 12, 7:00 pm, Staunton Organizing meeting, contact [email protected]

Feb. 14, 8:00 am, Planned Parenthood Lobby Day, Richmond,

Feb.15, 7:00 pm, Charlottesville 350 meeting, [email protected]

Feb. 19, 7:00 pm, Staunton Organizing meeting, contact [email protected]

Feb. 23, 5:30 pm, Harrisonburg/ Rockingham County Chapter Meeting , Virginia Organizing

Feb. 23, 4:00 pm, Democracy Rally outside the Federal Building (we cancel if it's below 40). contact [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: The absence of events from a particular faction does not indicate that a slanted perspective exists in Activists Guide. It means that we are not notified of the event. There is no selection of events. If we were notified of an event by an organization that appears in Activists’ Guide Directory of Organizations the entry will appear in the AG Calendar.

Activists’ Guide Directory of Organizations is reviewed at six-month intervals to ensure its accuracy.

Don’t let them walk alone

join the Active Activists

Protesters rally against new Northrop Grumman plant in Waynesboro

They say facility will contribute to company's list of human rights and environmental violations

While Northrop Grumman broke ground on its new plant in Waynesboro on Friday, protesters near the ceremony shouted out about the company’s alleged human rights violations and water pollution.

Police Arrest 100+ Activists as They Take Over Pennsylvania Capitol to Protest War

Back in the U.S., hundreds of Pennsylvanians rallied at the state Capitol in Harrisburg Monday to demand the state divest millions from Israeli bonds. The protest was led by Jewish Voice for Peace, the Philly Palestine Coalition and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR. Police arrested at least 126 demonstrators. State Representative Chris Rabb attempted to shield protesters from arrest and later defended their right to protest, evoking the history of the civil rights struggle and Black History Month.

Brown Univ. Students on Hunger Strike to Demand Divestment from Arms Makers Supplying Israel

Protests are continuing across the U.S. against Israel’s assault on Gaza. In Louisville, Kentucky, 15 people were arrested Friday after they blocked the entrances to offices of military contractors Raytheon and BAE Systems. Meanwhile, 19 students at Brown University have entered their fourth day on hunger strike to urge Brown to divest from weapons manufacturers who are arming Israel.

Some new priorities are requiring my time and attention for the foreseeable future, so I'm sorry to say I won't be organizing the anti-death penalty events anymore.

If any of you would like to step into that role, it would be my pleasure to walk you through the small amount of advertising and follow-up that I did for each event. And of course, you'll also inherit my two huge anti-death penalty signs : )

FYI: Oklahoma's next execution is scheduled for February 1st; it's that of James Ryder. Last summer, Mr. Ryder was examined by Barry Crown PhD who diagnosed him with "Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorder".

“'In terms familiar to the law, Mr. Ryder is insane,' Crown wrote. 'His mental power has been wholly obliterated. He is unable to comprehend or process, in any fashion, the reason he is to be executed and that the execution is imminent.'"

Remember - Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Activists’ Guide is a community bulletin board which publicizes events sponsored by “boots on the ground” organizations. Entries may be made to the AG’s calendar by any organization whose actions attempt to create a more just, equitable, non-violent world. The stance taken by a particular organization/government is not considered. We are not a megaphone for one side or the other.

Director of Communications

Virginia Organizing is a non-partisan statewide grassroots organization dedicated to challenging injustice by empowering people in local communities to address issues that affect the quality of their lives. Founded in 1995, Virginia Organizing has 18 active local chapter areas across the state.
Job responsibilities:
As Virginia Organizing’s Director of Communications, you will be responsible for developing materials and strategy to cultivate relationships with supporters, decision-makers, and media around the state. As with most areas of our organizing work, almost everyone on staff takes part in our communications work. You will have a central role in creating and coordinating all of the organization’s external communications.
Driven by a commitment to Virginia Organizing’s vision for a more just Virginia, you believe that people who are most directly affected by public issues should have a seat at the table. You are passionate about promoting leaders who speak for the organization and make decisions about local campaigns. You want to use your critical thinking and interpersonal skills to build a powerful statewide organization.
Please pass this job description on to anyone you think might be interested!
To apply, please send a letter of interest, a copy of your resume, and three references to Brian Johns, Executive Director, at [email protected]
to insert text.

What Happened?

On February 17 1942 Huey Newton was born. Huey was a co-founder of the Black Panthers.

Today's Quote

We ALL in this together... joining together in harmony... the "empire" is crumbling... we rising in love...

E-mail from 16 year old Anne Marie Dunning Boyd
Mullumbimby, Australia to Activists’ Guide
Special event:
Virginia Festival of the Book in March of 2024
• Panel Name: Standing Up to Hate: August, 2017
• Date: 03/21/2024
• Start Time: 11:00 AM
• End Time: 12:30 PM


Activists’ Guide is a community bulletin board which publicizes events sponsored by “boots on the ground” organizations.

Entries may be made to the AG’s calendar by any organization whose actions attempt to create a more just, equitable, non-violent world.

The stance taken by a particular organization/government is not considered. We are not a megaphone for one side or the other.
All folk are encouraged to support non-profit organizations with financial gifts. It is an opportunity to support vital facets of a caring society. Remember us, Please forward your donation to:
Activists' Guide
PO Box 173
Ivy, Va
The Activists' Guide is a website designed to facilitate communication between activist organizations and individuals. Its readership is worldwide. Subscriptions are available at no charge via Activists' Guide (

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